Providing a Reliable and Quality Service in the Ontario NY and Webster NY areas!
Monthly Spray Treatments
6 Monthly Weed Control Sprays April through September
Once a month one of our certified technician/applicators will walk the service property and spray all landscape beds, patios, walkways, driveway etc. with weeds growing in non turf areas. Our technicians/applicators are trained to keep a 6" spray distance from plants and shrubs to avoid any damage to non intended targets.
$318+ tax
April Herbicide Treatment 4/1 - 4/21 (Alternative Dates 4/22-5/11)
May Herbicide Treatment 5/1 - 5/21 (Alternative Dates 5/22-6/11)
June Herbicide Treatment 6/1 - 6/21 (Alternative Dates 6/22-7/12)
July Herbicide Treatment 7/1 - 7/21 (Alternative Dates 7/22-8/11)
August Herbicide Treatment 8/1 - 8/21 (Alternative Dates 8/22-9/11)
September Herbicide Treatment 9/1- 9/21 (Alternative Dates 9/22-10/12)