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Field Mowing & Brush Clearing

June, July, August, September

Do you have areas of your property that only need mowing 1-2 times per year? Or perhaps a section of property that hasn't ever been mowed and is full of brush? sceLawnCare can help! We have both tractors with brush hogs along with a front mounted brush cutter on a skid steer to tackle even the toughest of challenges

Bobcat Brush Cat Mowing View 2
Bobcat Brush Cat Mowing


All of our field and brush clearing is done by the hour. We have a 3 hour minimum.


Wide open fields, previously mowed, go pretty quick and we average 0.75 hours to 1.25 hours per acre and are billed out at $110/hour

Heavy dense brush is no problem for our machines but does slow down the rate at which we can clear. Heavily brushed areas can take 2.5-3 hours per acre to clear. Heavy brush is billed out at $125/hr due to the increased wear and tear on the blades and our equipment.

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